Sensitive timing window for birds and implications for vegetation clearing activities

As of April 1st, any vegetation removal will require a bird nest sweep by a qualified biologist. Birds in Canada are protected under provincial statute (i.e., Ontario’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (1997)) in addition to the federal Migratory Birds Convention Act (1994). The migratory bird breeding season runs from April 1st to August 31st. Any clearing of trees and other vegetation, such as mowing of tall grass, has the potential to cause harm to migratory birds, their nests or eggs. 

See the Government of Canada’s guidelines to reduce risk to migratory birds.

KAL can provide project specific advice and has qualified staff to complete bird nest sweeps. For more information on how to remain compliant with federal and provincial legislation, and protocols to reduce construction-related impacts on birds and other wildlife, contact Charles Hatry.