Robert Hallett, Dipl.



Rob is a biologist with a broad background in monitoring both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Rob has carried out field programs for the collection of water, sediment, benthos and fish in various kinds of aquatic habitats in Ottawa, Toronto, Sudbury, Timmins, Thunder Bay and Northern Saskatchewan. Rob has carried out large-diameter tree mapping programs in support of tree conservation reports, and aquatic macrophyte mapping programs in support of fish habitat studies. Rob has carried out a number of species at risk inventories, including surveys for Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, Barn Swallow, Whip-Poor-Will and Blanding’s Turtles. Rob is a certified Butternut Health Assessor.

Rob is our in-house benthic taxonomist, and processes (sorts and identifies) benthos from our various projects across southern and northern Ontario for our various clients.
